Table of Contents
Where to find Electric Organs
You have probably just reached level 26 and are now staring down a Power Generator which needs 20 Electric Organs. You might have just realized that you do not have enough. So, what can you do to farm Electric Organs?
Like anything else in Palworld, pals will drop certain items related to their unique element. Therefore, Electric pals will drop Electric Organs. You might ask, where do we find the most condensed and accessible electric mobs?
Jolthogs at Twin Knights
One of the areas that you will have access to quite early is the Bridge of the Twin Knights. Around this area the little hedgehog Jolthog lives.

You will actually be able to find Jolthogs all over this area, as shown in the image. However, I personally prefer to circle around in the northern area, closer to the Bridge.

When you find the little Jolthog, you’ll notice that it’s a quite low-level pal with an electric symbol. This means it will drop Electric Organs!

Now it’s just time to run around and either catch some Jolthogs or knock them out! I recommend catching them if you haven’t already caught 10, as the experience from the bonus is game-changing!
Sparkit in the little desert
Further north, you will find a small desert, home to Anubis. It’s important not to engage him early on, as he is level 47!

This desert is very flat and plain, making it a perfect and easy hunting ground for pals that drop electric organs!

Everywhere around the desert, you will find Sparkits just walking around. These will also grant you Electric Organs, as indicated by their symbol.
Buying Electric Organs
It is also possible to get Electric Organs through gold. The easiest way is to go to the Small Settlement located here:

Here you will see a tiny village with small huts, look for the hut all the way in the back.

Here you will be able to exchange gold for different items, one of them being Electric organ!

Happy crafting & gathering!